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The demo had been requested by a manufacturer of electrical vehicle batteries looking to improve their current induction brazing process for an aluminum assembly, by using a more efficient induction power supply.
A recent demo by UltraFlex power technologies showed the efficiency of using UltraFlex induction heaters for an automotive brazing application. The demo had been requested by a manufacturer of electrical vehicle batteries looking to improve their current induction brazing process for an aluminum assembly, by using a more efficient induction power supply. More Headlines National poll: third of Brits open to trialling the use of robots Indoor Robotics Raises $15 Million in Series A to Revolutionize Building Monitoring and Security Practices Preliminary Attendee List Released for Next Week's Military Robotics and Autonomous USA Conference SOUTHCO'S NEW C2 LEVER LATCH OFFERS AUTO-RELOCK FUNCTIONALITY AND MODERN APPEARANCE Acceleration Robotics Launch ROBOTCORE™ to Speed-up ROS 2 RobotsArticles How Tesla Used Robotics to Survive "Production Hell" and Became the World's Most Advanced Car Manufacturer Talking Automate 2022 with Stäubli Group It’s a Wrap Thanks to a Pick-and-Place Robotic Vision System What Is Multipath Interference? How to Minimize It in Time-of-flight Cameras? What’s the Difference Between a Servo Motor and Motion Controller? UltraFlex is a leading provider of advanced, digitally controlled induction heaters and as such is able to respond to most customer induction heating requirements. In this customer case, the parts to be brazed were an aluminum base and 2 aluminum tubes. The customer required that the brazed assembly be in horizontal position and both tubes brazed simultaneously, at maximum heat temperature of 650°C or less. Under these conditions, the customer was looking to achieve the shortest possible heating cycle. UltraFlex engineers considered a 15 kW induction heater from the UltraFlex UltraHeat W series as most appropriate for this heating scenario. UltraHeat W are advanced, cost-effective 5-15 kW Induction heating systems utilizing the latest switching power supply technology. They feature adaptive digital phase control providing very efficient operation in a wide frequency range. At power output of only 10 kW out of the available 15 kW, and separate brazing for each tube, the brazing for the entire aluminum assembly was completed within 60 seconds. Thanks to the even heat distribution, there was good alloy flow and the brazing was completed without melting any assembly pieces. The resulting joints were strong and reliable. By using a custom-designed induction coil, the induction brazing could be accomplished for both tubes simultaneously. This induction brazing demo confirmed that by using a 15 kW UltraFlex induction heater and a custom-designed induction coil, the customer would be able to considerably increase the efficiency of his brazing process. He would achieve reliable and consistent results, independent of the operator skills. Find out more at: Contact us at: +1.631.467.6814 About UltraFlex Power Technologies: UltraFlex Power Technologies ( offers the most advanced and innovative digitally controlled induction heating equipment in the industry. Its compact modular and flexible systems are used for a wide variety of induction heating, casting and melting applications.
How Tesla Used Robotics to Survive "Production Hell" and Became the World's Most Advanced Car Manufacturer
It’s a Wrap Thanks to a Pick-and-Place Robotic Vision System
What Is Multipath Interference? How to Minimize It in Time-of-flight Cameras?
What’s the Difference Between a Servo Motor and Motion Controller?
International Manufacturing Technology Show - IMTS 2022
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